Utter! Lutonia

Poetry, Stories, Activism and Ancient Folk

An eclectic UTTER! to begin 2025.  Helen Ivory (Lutonian born!) and Martin Figura bring their long tour supporting their new collections (Helen's 'Constructing a Witch' and Martin's 'The Remaining Men') to Helen's hometown of Luton for a triumphant celebration of the unconventional woman and the tender, considered man.  Alongside these we have the fluid and dreamy stories of Laura Mugridge, the belly-deep songing of Jack Sharp, the exploratory healings of Kat Joyce (of Tangled Feet) and fresh new poetry from Laura Cooper.


Proud Parent Network Group: March

Our parent support group offers the chance for those with LGBTIQ+ children to

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 7pm-9pm

Creative Industry Network Event: March

Creative Industry Entrepreneurs – a business networking event for you, at the…

Hat Factory Arts Centre | 7pm - 9pm

Open Mic Night: March

Calling all local talents! Don't miss Luton's open mic night at the Hat

Hat Factory Arts Centre | 8pm-11pm
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