Policies & Governance

We’re actively committed to improving the delivery of arts and culture in Luton. Our policies set the standard on how our organisation is run and how we deliver services of the highest quality.

Our policies

Privacy policy

Purpose of Privacy Notice

The Culture Trust Luton is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold about you.

Using personal information allows us to develop a better understanding of our customers and in turn to provide you with relevant and timely information about the work that we do. As a charity, it also helps us to engage with potential donors and supporters.

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to give you a clear explanation about how we collect and use the information we collect from you directly and from third parties.

We use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information. This notice explains:

• What information we may collect about you

• How we may use that information

• In what situations we may disclose your details to third parties

• Our use of cookies to improve your use of our website

• Information about how we keep your personal information secure, how we maintain it for and your rights to be able to access it.

If you have any queries about this notice, please contact the Data Protection Officer at Luton Cultural Services Trust or email: Privacy@lutonculture.com


Who we are

Luton Cultural Services Trust (The Culture Trust Luton) is a charity and our registered charity number in England and Wales is 1122964 and we are also registered as a company in England and Wales under registration number 06373488.

LCST Trading Limited carries out the commercial activities of the Trust, and is a wholly owned subsidiary.  LCST Trading Limited is subject to Luton Cultural Services Trust’s Policies and Procedures. LCST Trading Limited is a registered company under registration number 6474682.


Information collection

The main purposes for which we collect and process the details of customers, visitors, library members, Museum Makers, service users, enquirers, donors and potential donors are:

• To provide the service, goods or information that they have requested.

• For administration purposes e.g. ticket sales, finance transactions, book borrowing records, donations etc.

• To gather feedback to help improve our work

• To further our charitable aims, including fundraising activities


How we use this information

We will also hold and analyse your data in order to continue to improve our understanding of our target audiences and our supporters.  This will enable us to create a profile of your interest and preferences in order to personalise the services we offer and we may contact you in the most appropriate way and with the most relevant information. 

We may use your data to contact you by post, email, phone and/or SMS with news and information about our products, services, events and activities that we feel may be of interest to you.  We will not use your personal information for such purposes if you have told us that you do not wish to be contacted.

When you use our services and provide your personal data, you do not need to subscribe to marketing from us.  If you have consented to receiving marketing information from us, you can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing privacy@lutonculture.com, stating your name, address and email address. 


Legitimate business interests

In certain situations we collect and process your personal information for purposes that are in our legitimate organisational interests. However we only do this if there is no overriding prejudice to you by using your personal information in this way. The following are situations where we may use this basis for processing.

Marketing communications

We aim to communicate with you about the work that we do in ways that you find relevant, timely and respectful. To do this we use data that we have stored about you, such as what events you have booked for in the past, as well as any preferences you may have told us about.

We use our legitimate organisational interest as the legal basis for communications by post and email. In the case of postal mailings, you may object to receiving these at any time using the contact details at the end of this policy.  We will provide you with an option to unsubscribe in every email that we subsequently send you, or you can alternatively use the contact details at the end of this policy.

Other processing activities

In addition to marketing communications, we also process personal information in the following ways that are within our legitimate organisational interests:

We may analyse data we hold about you to ensure that the content and timing of communications that we send you are as relevant to you as possible.

We may analyse data we hold about you in order to identify and prevent fraud.

In order to improve our website we may analyse information about how you use it and the content that you interact with.

In order to ensure system and staff efficiency, we may use your data for testing and training purposes.

We are part of the London Libraries Consortium and our library data can be accessed by authorised library staff across the consortium, and may also be used for training and testing purposes.

In all data processing activities, we will always keep your rights and interests at the forefront to ensure they are not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

Third parties

There are certain circumstances under which we may disclose your personal information to third parties for example, when it is necessary for them to be able to provide you with products or services that you’ve requested.


How we work with Third parties

We may occasionally outsource functions when we do not have the capacity and expertise required in-house, such as a mailing house for mailings, and analytical services that enable us to target our communications with customers and supporters more effectively. 

In addition, we work with third party organisations to provide systems such as the library management and box office ticketing systems.  In such cases, we will only use reputable and well vetted firms and have contracts and processes in place that ensure the safe and confidential processing of personal data at all times. In these cases we require that these third parties comply strictly with our instructions and with data protection laws, for example around security of personal data.  In some instances, your data may be moved from one provider to another when a change of provider occurs. 

We may also disclose personal information where we are under a duty to comply with any legal obligation (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies).


Managing your personal information

We strive at all times to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information that you think is inaccurate by contacting us.

We will always hold your information securely through operating strong physical and electronic security safeguards. We also follow stringent procedures to ensure we work with all personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that come into effect on 25 May 2018.

Luton Cultural Services Trust tries to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive about this very seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures.

This privacy notice was drafted with brevity and clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects of Luton Cultural Services Trust’s collection and use of personal information. However, we are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed.

Complaints and enquiries about, or suggestions for improvements to, our data protection processes should be directed to the Data Protection Officer using the contact details provided below.


Your debit and credit card information

If you use your credit or debit card to purchase from us or to make a donation, we will ensure that this is carried out securely and in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). You can find more information about this standard here.

We optionally allow you to store your card details for use in a future transaction. This is carried out in compliance with PCI-DSS and in a way where none of our staff members are able to see your full card number. We never store your 3 or 4 digit security code.


How we use Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed onto your device by some websites that you visit. They are widely used to allow a website to function (for example to keep track of your basket) as well to provide website operators with information on how the site is being used.

We use cookies to keep track of your basket as well as to identify how the website is being used and what improvements we can make. They also enable us to identify how many people use our website.

We do not use cookies to provide us with access to your computer or any information about you, other than what you choose to share with us.


Devices detected by our free Wi-Fi service

Free Wi-Fi access is available throughout our sites. If you access the Trust’s free Wi-Fi network, you will be asked to agree to the Trust’s Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions of Use which provide information about how your data will be used.

If you do not use the free Wi-Fi network but you have Wi-Fi enabled on your smartphone, tablet or another internet-enabled device, your device can still be detected by the Wi-Fi service. We record data about the location and type of devices in the Trust’s venues that have Wi-Fi enabled so that we can monitor the flow of visitors to our sites and to improve our services.

We will not link the anonymous device data with any other personal data that identifies you individually without your express permission. If in future we want to process your data in this way to offer you new services, before doing so we will always ask you if you agree to take part.



Whilst CCTV is in operation throughout our buildings, the Trust does not control all of the CCTV, as part of this is controlled by the landlord - Luton Borough Council.  Where the Trust does control the CCTV, it does so in accordance with GDPR through legitimate interests and legal obligations.

Where the CCTV is controlled by Luton Borough Council, all requests for information should be directed to Luton Borough Council at cctvrequests@luton.gov.uk in the first instance.

Job and volunteering applicants

If you apply to work or volunteer for The Culture Trust, we will use the information you supply to us to process your application and to monitor recruitment statistics.  Where we want to disclose information to a third party, for example where we want to take up a reference or obtain a ‘disclosure’ from Disclosure Scotland or the Disclosure and Barring Service, we will not do so without informing you beforehand.

Personal information about unsuccessful candidates will be held for 12 months after the recruitment exercise has been completed, after which it will be destroyed, unless you have asked us to destroy it earlier or allowed us to retain it for longer by written request.


How to contact us

If you wish to make a complaint, request further explanation of any issues relating to this privacy notice, or make a suggestions for improving our processes relating to the way we use personal data, then please direct your request to the Data Protection Officer by email at privacy@lutonculture.com or in writing to Data Protection Officer – Luton Cultural Services Trust, The Hat Factory Arts Centre, 65-67 Bute Street, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2EY.

You may opt out from receiving marketing communications from us at any time, change your contact preferences or ask to have your personal data removed or corrected in our records by emailing us at privacy@lutonculture.com or writing to us at: Data Protection Officer – Luton Cultural Services Trust, The Hat Factory Arts Centre, 65-67 Bute Street, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2EY.  Please ensure that you state your full name, address and email address in the letter or email so that we may locate your record on our database.  Please also state which services you have used within Luton Cultural Services Trust, i.e. Library, Ticket Purchase, volunteering, etc.

If you wish to request a copy of all or part of your personal information held by the Trust by making a subject access request you can do so by either emailing privacy@lutonculture.com, or by writing to Data Protection Officer – Luton Cultural Services Trust, The Hat Factory Arts Centre, 65-67 Bute Street, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2EY.


Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. You are advised to visit this page periodically in order to keep up to date with any changes. By continuing to use our services you will be deemed to have accepted such changes.


Updated 10/03/2020

Cookie policy

This is the Cookie Policy for The Culture Trust Luton, accessible from www.culturetrust.com

What Are Cookies

As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored however this may downgrade or 'break' certain elements of the sites functionality.

For more general information on cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.

The Cookies We Set

  • Account related cookies

If you create an account with us then we will use cookies for the management of the signup process and general administration. These cookies will usually be deleted when you log out however in some cases they may remain afterwards to remember your site preferences when logged out.

  • Login related cookies

We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.

  • Email newsletters related cookies

This site offers newsletter or email subscription services and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.

  • Orders processing related cookies

This site offers e-commerce or payment facilities and some cookies are essential to ensure that your order is remembered between pages so that we can process it properly.

  • Surveys related cookies

From time to time we offer user surveys and questionnaires to provide you with interesting insights, helpful tools, or to understand our user base more accurately. These surveys may use cookies to remember who has already taken part in a survey or to provide you with accurate results after you change pages.

  • Forms related cookies

When you submit data to through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.

  • Site preferences cookies

In order to provide you with a great experience on this site we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page is affected by your preferences.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.

  • This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content.

For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.

  • As we sell products it's important for us to understand statistics about how many of the visitors to our site actually make a purchase and as such this is the kind of data that these cookies will track. This is important to you as it means that we can accurately make business predictions that allow us to monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure the best possible price.
  • We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; {List the social networks whose features you have integrated with your site?:12}, will set cookies through our site which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.

More Information

Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren't sure whether you need or not it's usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site.

This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Cookies Policy Template Generator and the WebTerms Generator.

However if you are still looking for more information you can contact us on:  marketing@culturetrust.com


Our Equity Diversity & Inclusion Statement



The Culture Trust Luton believes that culture should be accessible, meaningful and relevant to our local communities, whatever their socio-economic background, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or disability. Our commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and our plans for change are based on an audit in 2022 and our statement of intent to advance this agenda.  At the heart of this, is our purpose to be a progressive and an entrepreneurial arts and cultural charity with a mission to connect communities through culture. Our over-arching EDI ambition is to mainstream equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across the Trust, as an employer, venue, partner, landlord and commissioner. We want to ensure that the work we do enables a diverse range of people to work and connect with us enabling our community to enjoy, inform, produce and benefit from culture. We aim to deliver this in the following ways;

  • Activity Diversification: We will ensure that our programmes, our content, our policies and our projects, are of relevance to a diverse range of people and are delivered in collaboration and with an inclusive approach.  We will continually improve in how we engage with our audience in order to understand what they would like from us and how we can involve and respond to them. We want to better collect and use both qualitative a quantitative data to be more responsive to our audience’s needs and identify gaps in participation. We aim to ensure that;
    • Diversity is celebrated through our Arts & Cultural programme
    • We offer cultural career opportunities for young people and creatives; targeting under-represented individuals
    • Locally relevant and diverse heritage stories are told through our Museum and collections
    • We target areas in Luton that currently identified as having low-engagement in our work
  • Workforce development (staff, board of trustees and volunteers). We want to attract the best talent to work with us and ensure that our people reflect the demographics of the communities that we serve. This will enable us to benefit from a diverse range of perspectives and recruit from the very widest and best pool of talent. We want to attract, nurture and retain our people with the offer of good work, people policies which cater for their diverse needs, supporting them at their different life stages and ensuring that we continue to support their mental health and well-being We plan to develop tools within our HR & Marketing/communication functions, recruitment processes that will enable us to compliantly and consistently monitoring and measuring outcomes and outputs to better understand our EDI progress.

We aim to ensure that;

    • Our people mirror Luton, the place we serve.
    • Our social impact, values and inclusive culture is promoted

These actions will support us to play our part in developing a more diverse and inclusive culture sector.

Take a look


Established in 2008, the Culture Trust, Luton is a vibrant and progressive…

Who's Who

We are one committed and customer friendly team made up of trustees, staff and…


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