Steel Pan Drumming Workshop

If you've ever wanted to learn to play this incredible instrument, now's your chance! This Steel Pan workshop is the perfect opportunity to get started - our expert will guide you through the basics of playing, and you'll even have the chance to learn a song. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to discover the joy of Steel Pan!

Running Time: 1 hour

NGYT Street Dance Company

Join NGYT for a taster term ahead of the launch of their brand

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | Fridays: 19:30 - 21:30

Dare to Soar Higher

EMPOWERED WOMEN Presents: Dare To Soar Higher (DTSH) - Looking for a warm

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 7pm

Luton Life Drawing: April

All levels of ability welcome - from novice to pro. The class is

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 2pm - 4pm
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