Luton Beatz Lab: December

AVXLuton presents the first ever Beat Club!

Calling all music enthusiasts in Luton!

Whether you are a beat-maker, sound-designer, producer, or spoken word artist, or just enjoy music - get ready for a series of incredible live electronic and acoustic beats at the Luton Beatz Lab.

Join us at the Hat Factory Cafe every second Thursday of the month, from 7pm to 9pm and immerse yourself in the world of lo-fi hip hop, ambient, acousmatic compositions, spoken word, and much more. Be inspired, connect with like-minded individuals, and witness the talent of local artists.

If you are interested in performing a set (20 minutes max.) - send email to

Upcoming dates:

  • 13 July - Electroacoustic Special with The Oneirologist (Skronk/AJU)
  • 13 August (Saturday) - Outdoor Special
  • 14 September - Heritage Month Special - making beats with old media
  • 12 October - Black History Month Special with Lavz and 13ubblegum
  • 9 November - Atmospheric Beats
  • 14 December - Season Finale

Running time: 2 hours

NGYT Street Dance Company

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Hat Factory Arts Centre - | Fridays: 19:30 - 21:30

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Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 7pm
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