Drink and Draw (March)

Drink and Draw. It’s simple,a night of free play and creativity with drinking and drawing.

Join us each month for a get together to share ideas, create art and drink. There are no rules, no boundaries, just a full blown explosion of creative energy.

This monthly event is for everyone and anyone aged 18+ interested in learning or practicing drawing while having a good glass of beer or wine. The bar will be open, conversation will be flowing ensuring for a great atmosphere!

The cost covers the equipment provided for the event.

Hosted by local illustrator and Comic Book Artist Karl Brown in partnership with The Culture Trust Luton. 

About your host

Karl Brown

My name is Karl Brown I am a 30 year old Illustrator and Comic Book Artist from Antrim in Northern Ireland. 

I have spent the last decade of my life in Luton after leaving University, since then I have been heavily involved and an advocate for the local creative movement in the Town and have worked with most local creative organizations.

In 2015 after 2 years of work I published my 1st Graphic Novel An Android Awakes and also worked with local trusts and companies on varied Illustrative and Creative projects in the years that have followed.

 I am known locally as the guy who Painted the Bear in the Bear Club! still one of my favourite pieces of work. At the moment I work on a range of illustrative commissions as well as producing Story Boards for Film and Advertisements.

I am still chasing my childhood dream of being a Published Artist for the British Pop Culture classic Comic 2000ad working on the flagship Character Judge Dredd. "


Email Karlrjbrown@gmail.com

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