Making Headway: Celebrating Sustainability in Hats

The 3rd British Hat Guild exhibition at Hat Works showcases the incredible hats

Hat Works - | Monday to Thursday 10am-5pm

Luton Ghana Society: Kente Festival Exhibition

As part of Luton’s Ghana Society’s annual program of events marking Black…

Hat Works - | 10am-5pm

HATS: Innovation & Creation Exhibition

Free exhibition of ground-breaking hats by top British Hat Guild milliners,…

Hat Works - | 10am - 5pm

Accidental Archivist At 33

The Culture Trust, Luton lead museums, arts and heritage in three cultural hot

Hat Works - | 10am - 4:30pm

Morley College – A Hat Journey around the World

The Culture Trust Luton is proud to present the work of Morley College’s

Hat Works - | 10am - 5pm

The Hat Man Of London

Known as The Hat Man of London, artist and milliner Chito Salarza-Grant has

Hat Works - | 10am - 5pm

On the Wings of a Wirebird: Round Table

Join us for an informal round table talk focusing on interconnected heritage,…

Hat Works | 7pm
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