Summer Serenity Sessions

Summer serenity sessions unleashing creativity, culture and conversations.

Join facilitator Shemiza Rashid and immerse yourself in a series of four free sessions exploring sound, movement, words and colour in response to Presayi, the latest production by Kadam Dance. Join likeminded individuals in these weekly sessions to explore creativity and self-expression in the exquisite and relaxed environment of The Drawing Room at Wardown House, Museum and Gallery. Immerse yourself in engaging conversations around themes of love, life and the everyday.

Join us to listen, learn, connect and create. No experience needed just a passion for creative conversations and a desire for self-love.

Running Time: 90 minutes

NGYT Street Dance Company

Join NGYT for a taster term ahead of the launch of their brand

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | Fridays: 19:30 - 21:30

Dare to Soar Higher

EMPOWERED WOMEN Presents: Dare To Soar Higher (DTSH) - Looking for a warm

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 7pm

Luton Life Drawing: April

All levels of ability welcome - from novice to pro. The class is

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 2pm - 4pm
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