Needle Felt Robins

Join Nic Cremona from Felt and Dandy and learn all basic needle felting techniques whilst making a wonderful little  Robin standing on a vintage cotton reel.

You will learn how to make a charming needle felted  Robin and  will cover all  basic  needle felting techniques  needed for  most  creations -which Nic will  demonstrate  and talk you through step by step throughout the workshop. 

By the end of the workshop, attendees will have learnt to:

  1. Use needles and needle felting tools 
  2. Make 3D shapes in felt
  3.  Make flat felt
  4. Join shapes
  5.  Blend colours 
  6. Add contour details 
  7. Attach eyes and legs
  8. Make and attach stiffened felt beak

All materials will be provided and you go home with a finished creation.

Running Time: 6 hours including a 30 minute break


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