Utter! Lutonia

An eclectic and ever-changing line-up of Spoken Word (and sometimes musical) talent from Luton, London and further afield.

A place where divides drop away and humanity unites humans.  Where speaking and listening is not something to be measured but something to luxuriate in, limitlessly.  Each UTTER! Lutonia is slightly different but just as full of warmth, joy, challenge, ideas, glorious people and wonderful words.

If you are wondering if UTTER! Lutonia is for you . . . it is!  UTTER! Lutonia is for everyone, both the audience-seating and the stage can be a place for you if you want it to be . . .

If you haven’t been before you should come to this one.  It’ll be packed full of things that’ll help you grow a soul-summer from the wintry ash of the post-Johnson UK . . . and there will be buckets and bushels and barrels of truth, to make up for a dearth of it elsewhere . . . if you know what I mean . . .

Line up

  • The Anti-Poet
    the world's finest exponents of beat-rantin' rhythm'n’views
    Paul Eccentric and Ian Newman - Funny, ranty, anarchic and occasionally in time with each other.  If you don’t like poetry, you’ll like these fellas.  And if you do like poetry you’ll like ‘em too.  If you struggle with truth, justice and failing to be a wanker then you’ll hate them.
  • Fay Roberts
    a velvet cushion of a poet – Scott Tyrell
    Fay Roberts is a performance poet, a musician, a storyteller, an events host, an accidental voice actor, Artistic Director for Spoken Word at PBH’s Free Fringe, and an enormous geek. During weekdays, ze persuades people to make lists and say no to shiny things. For every role, there is a different hat, and a spreadsheet to match.  Zir first full collection, Spectral, came out with Burning Eye in March 2022, and ze describes it as “a kind of poetry concept album, with illustrations”.
  • Shannon Waters
    songs as deep as the river and wise as the mountain
    Making a long-awaited and welcome return to the UTTER! stage, Shannon-Waters bring a haunting guitar, a haunted voice and a shit-ton of experience, history and craft.
  • Imrana Mahmood
    Redefining the arts scene with grassroots passion...
    Imrana Mahmood is a creative producer and arts educationalist who is passionate about working with diverse communities at a grassroots level.  She has a particular emphasis on creating a platform for voices of the Global Majority. As a spoken-word poet, Imrana's writing focuses on notions of identity and belonging as a means of self-exploration.  Her previous projects include Beyond Borders and Echoes of the Diaspora.  She is currently Project Officer for Hertfordshire Cultural Education Partnership.
  • Jeremy Williams
    Playful poems and stories from a writer who can’t make up his mind
    Jeremy writes deeply unfunny adult books about climate change and funny books for children.  He uses the same author name for both because he didn’t think it through and now it's too late.  In between longer projects, poems sometimes happen. Some of them don’t work at all, but tonight he will try to read the ones that do.

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