Drink and Draw: June

Drink and Draw. It’s simple, a night of free play and creativity with drinking and drawing.

Join us each month for a get together to share ideas, create art and drink. There are no rules, no boundaries, just a full blown explosion of creative energy.

This monthly event is for everyone and anyone aged 18+ interested in learning or practicing drawing while having a good glass of beer or wine. The bar will be open, conversation will be flowing ensuring for a great atmosphere!

The cost covers the equipment provided for the event.

Hosted by local illustrator and Comic Book Artist Karl Brown in partnership with The Culture Trust Luton.

Creative Industry Network Event: March

Creative Industry Entrepreneurs – a business networking event for you, at the…

Hat Factory Arts Centre | 7pm - 9pm

Proud Parent Network Group: March

Our parent support group offers the chance for those with LGBTIQ+ children to

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 7pm-9pm

Open Mic Night: March

Calling all local talents! Don't miss Luton's open mic night at the Hat

Hat Factory Arts Centre | 8pm-11pm
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