Pride in Luton

In a historic year where we commemorate 50 years since the first UK Pride march, we invite you to be part of an equally momentous chapter in the story of Luton Town. 

On Saturday 25th June head to The Hat Factory for a community-driven street celebration featuring variety acts, speakers, and performances. There is a packed programme of dancers, singers, panel discussions and family activities, all hosted by Britain’s first Muslim drag queen Asifah Lahore. Along with exclusive appearances by La Voix, Next Generation Theatre, Aaron Sibley, X Factor’s Lushous, vocalist Sofia Gillani and more.

“Watt DJ” will be playing Pop Punk/Emo and Alternative Music throughout the night in the basement, starting at 7pm!

After-Party Line-up

“Watt DJ” will be playing Pop Punk/Emo and Alternative Music throughout the night in the basement, starting at 7pm!

Novustory will be performing in the basement bar as part of Basement Live: June - exclusively free this month in celebration of Pride in Luton! Set commencing at 9.45pm.

They will be supported by Kill, The Icon, a dance-punk trio singing about the dark side of your Monday morning commute to work.

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