Five Week Beginners Drawing Class

Join in our 'Place of Making' workshops with established artists to learn new skills, creative techniques, and make your own art.

Join established artist Sarah Wright for this five week drawing course exploring the key principles of drawings and techniques enabling you to draw accurately and confidently in drawing.

Each week will focus on a different drawing principle, in the first week we will look at line and experimenting with different ways to make a mark. In the second shape and the role of negative space, in the third looking at light and dark, and creating shade and highlight. The fourth understanding perspective and proportion, and the fifth an opportunity to bring together all the skills to create a self portrait. You will be able to experiment with a variety of materials.

Running Time: 2 hours

£75 for all 5 sessions: 24th Feb, 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th March

Participants should purchase the following:

  • A3 cartridge paper/pad (90-100gsm)
  • Drawing pencils to include, 2B, 4B, 6B

(none of this should be expensive brands, cost effective ones are fine)

Please Note: Drawing can be a bit messy at times, it is advised to bring an apron or wear old clothes, especially when using charcoal.

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