Linoprinting for Beginners

Join in our 'Place of Making' workshops with established artists to learn new skills, creative techniques, and make your own art.

In this 5 week course with Bedford artist Katie Allen, you will learn the basics of cutting, printing and designing your own linoprint. All specialist equipment is provided and you will create single colour prints to take home. This course is suitable for complete beginners. 

Note: Please bring an apron, and some imagery you would like to work from, approx. A6 in size. This can be drawings or printed images. If you would like to print on greetings cards, please bring some as only paper is provided.

Please note cutting lino requires some arm and hand strength. Attendees with limited strength or hand mobility will be assisted by the tutor and will be able to full participate in the rest of the workshop. The workshop will be conducted through demonstration and verbal instructions, with written instructions also available.

Running Time: 2 hours

£75 for all 5 sessions: 28th Oct, 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th November

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