What we were up to in May

News 1 Jun 2020, 12:01pm

And that's another month nearly gone - we hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. We are here to give you another update on what we have been up to in the month of May. We are closely monitoring government advice and we will alert you of any changes to our venues as soon as possible. 

Thank you

Those of you local to Luton town centre may have noticed the addition to the Hat Factory Arts Centre window. We wanted to do something to say thank you to all NHS and key workers at this time. We hope it brightens your day as you walk past.

Draw me a home

Our partners over the road at the Departure Lounge Gallery have launched a new project - Draw Me A Home. It is by Idit Elia Nathan and based on Luton’s rich history of migration. It explores ideas of home, belonging, movement and transformation. Join in the conversation online: find out more here.

Become a Museum Maker

Now is the perfect time to become a museum maker volunteer. There lots of challenges you can do to help support our museums from home. Perfect for all ages and there is something for everyone.

Check them out.

A play for radio

We have commissioned the play - Keep the Home Fires Burning to be adapted into a radio play. It was last performed back in October at Wardown House to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Luton's Peace Day Riots. The team are busy rehearsing via zoom at the moment. We will keep you posted when it is ready!

Discover more

Art in the public realm

We’ve put together an activity booklet for you and your family to work through together and achieve a National qualification called Arts Award Discover. Explore the Hat District following the map provided and spot the range of art on display. Perfect for mixing up your daily exercise. Find out more.

Vauxhall - Made in Luton 

As you maybe aware we have had to postpone our Vauxhall exhibition, that was due to open at Stockwood Discovery Centre back in April.

We are still very much looking forward to having the exhibition at a later date and we will continue to keep you updated. 

Any questions, please email: boxoffice@culturetrust.com


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