Long Standing Trustee Nick Gibson Dies Aged 67

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Nick Gibson, former Chair and current Trustee of the Culture Trust, Luton, aged 67.
News 15 May 2024, 10:10am

Nick was a Trustees at the Culture Trust Luton from its inception in 2008 and was Chair from 2016-2022. He stepped back from this role following his cancer diagnosis, but remained a loyal and committed Trustee throughout his treatments.  

During his time as Chair, Nick oversaw the Trust through successes and challenges and was pivotal in enabling and guiding the Trust’s major capital project transforming Wardown House Museum & Gallery and three former Hat Factories in Luton.

Nick was a compassionate chair, caring deeply for the Culture Trust team, our partners and our charitable work connecting communities through culture. Formerly Chief Executive of Bedfordshire Sight Concern based in Luton, Nick was an ambassador for Luton despite in his later years living Kent. Nick moved to Kent with his wife to tend his family orchard and nurture his cider making business when he retired from Sight Concern.

Andrea Stark, Chair of the Board said:

‘Nick leaves a lasting legacy with the Culture Trust, Luton. As one of two inaugural trustees still on our board, we valued his insight into learning lessons from the past in planning our future. Nick was very open, caring and thoughtful in his approach to board matters and we will continue to celebrate Nick’s life through our work and the charity that he loved so much.’

Marie Kirbyshaw, Chief Executive of the Trust said:

‘Nick was a warm and likeable Trustee with sharp intellect, good humour and passion for charitable work. As a true custodian, he cared about people and in making a difference. Nick’s life was shorter than it should have been, but I am thankful for the time I knew him and the inspiration, care and guidance he gave willingly over the years and right up until days before he died. He will be greatly missed.”

We are very thankful for the sixteen years of service Nick gave to the Culture Trust, Luton as Trustee on the board and send condolences to Nick’s wife Val and family.

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