
Colourscape comes to Luton for the first time!

A large walk-in labyrinth of colour and light will fill the lawn at Stockwood Discovery Centre this August.  Visitors are invited to don a primary-coloured cloak to become part of the colour experience and step into a new world of intense colour and light.

Colourscape is formed of many interlinked chambers of primary colours to create a labyrinth (each chamber c. 4M across). Step forwards and a long view of radiating colours appears.  Another step and another view appears until you are surrounded and immersed in the most intense colour and light imaginable. Visitors have described the experience as being like “wrapped in a rainbow” or saying “I felt I could breathe colours!"

You can freely walk anywhere to explore this amazing space and will discover musicians and dancers anywhere inside leading you on a journey of all the senses. The musicians may be found in a large Silver Dome playing unusual instruments - maybe Tibetan Singing bowls or Asian instruments or instruments of water, maybe playing the branch of a tree or a bicycle wheel with a violin bow!  And the dancers express the music with creative movement that draws you into the experience.

This is a contemporary music, art and dance event that everyone can enjoy from babies to 100-year-olds!

NGYT Street Dance Company

Join NGYT for a taster term ahead of the launch of their brand

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | Fridays: 19:30 - 21:30

Knock Off + Guests

Vinyl Revelations proudly presents: Knock Off - live in concert With support…

Hat Factory Arts Centre | 8pm

Whipped Up!

Whipped Up! follows Dottie, an eager-to-please 50’s-style diner server on their…

Stockwood Discovery Centre - | 10am and 11:30am
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