
A fun filled family focused session for children aged 0-6 years and their parents and carers.

Revel, rave and rhyme in a journey combining storytelling, games and movement, the perfect playground for little but large imaginations to run wild and free.

Join NGYT at The Hat Factory Arts Centre this school holiday, but be ready to shake your tail feathers!

Running time: 30 - 45 minutes

Presented as part of April's Hat District Lates Programme

Handa's Surprise

Handa’s Surprise A Little Angel Theatre production. Based on the bestselling…

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 11am and 2pm Friday 17th and 10am and 11:30am Saturday 18th

Luton Carnival

The 48th Luton International Carnival, hosted by the UK Centre for Carnival Arts

The Hat District - | 12pm - 6pm

Ten In The Bed

Is it a bed? Or a boat? Or a giant slice of toast

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 11:30am and 2pm
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